Mission Statement
To promote excellence and advancement of ophthalmology through a collaboration of future leaders in our field
Society Description
The Vanguard Ophthalmology Society (VOS) was formed in September 1, 2009 to recognize and unite future thought leaders in ophthalmologic subspecialties related to the anterior segment. Founding members were selected by current recognized leaders in the field, and the elected group represents a wide professional and geographic demographic. The VOS meets biannually at the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery to identify and develop future ophthalmic trends. Initiatives include the advancement of our specialty through innovative thought sharing on topics related to research and development of future medical and surgical therapeutics, diagnostics, informatics, marketing, practice development, ethics and philanthropy.
Society Initiatives
- To promote excellence in ophthalmology
- To promote thought sharing amongst future leaders in ophthalmology
- To identify and develop future ophthalmic trends to advance the field in an ethical manner
- To utilize our resources for philanthropic ventures